Bio: Bishop T.D. Jakes
Bishop T.D. Jakes has served in ministry for more than 45 years and is the senior pastor of The Potter’s House, an international-reaching church and global humanitarian organization headquartered in Dallas, Texas. The church, serving under Bishop Jakes’ guidance for more than 25 years, ministers to tens of thousands of passionate members, in person and virtually. He is husband to Serita Jakes and father to five children.
Bishop Jakes, named “America’s Best Preacher” by TIMEmagazine, is a teacher who uses his influence to increase Christendom worldwide through four distinct channels: global humanitarian outreach, inspirational conference series, media and entertainment ventures, and thought leadership forums. This includes training future ministers; contributing to disaster relief efforts; producing award-winning film, music, books, and digital services; and lifting up underserved communities through real estate development, infrastructure, and other resources.
His films include “Miracles From Heaven” and the Lifetime TV “Seven Deadly Sins” anthology, and his latest book, “Disruptive Thinking,” places faith and tested success principles at the foundation of creating generational change.
Bishop Jakes has advised three U.S. presidents, was a featured speaker at the inauguration of Barack Obama in 2009, gave remarks at a White House Easter Prayer Breakfast in 2011, and attended the state dinner for African leaders in 2014 and Pope Francis’ 2015 White House visit. He taps into a growing global audience that enters his digital sphere through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, the T.D. Jakes App, and more to the tune of more than 10 million total followers.